Hi, My Name Is ... Successful Idaho Commercial Real Estate Networking
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Hi, My Name Is ... Successful Idaho Commercial Real Estate Networking

In my last career as a professor, one of my colleagues referred to me as a “story collector”. When we would go to regional research events, I would come away with a handful of friends each time. I didn’t think much of it since I enjoyed engaging people from an inquisitive heart posture.

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The Office and Sensored Social Distancing
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The Office and Sensored Social Distancing

After months of being out of the office for many people, returning to work can be a challenge—with anxiety, concerns, and new practices.

The idea of heading back into the workplace may be daunting for both property managers and building occupants alike. While some have made the transition, teams currently in the office are in need of new protocols. Keeping everyone safe for the long term during these challenging times requires the office sector to be open to forming creative solutions.

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How the Industrial Space will be Impacted by Amazon's Building Boom!
Erin Erkins Erin Erkins

How the Industrial Space will be Impacted by Amazon's Building Boom!

After a tumultuous year, commercial real estate’s industrial sector is possibly more critical than ever. It has shown in the Treasure Valley, with industrial space being pre-leased and often sold before completion.

Within this arena, Amazon has succeeded in being one of the leading players keeping the supply and demand network moving throughout the pandemic - and after earning their stripes by persevering (if not excelling) in a time of immense disruption, this e-commerce giant is expanding.

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Here’s Why I’m Watching the Self-Storage Space
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Here’s Why I’m Watching the Self-Storage Space

The self-storage sector has immense promise for commercial real estate.

These spaces are resilient, in high demand, and fit seamlessly into the needs of contemporary society. As some people, such as Idahoan’s priced out of the market, become more transient and hold off on purchasing a home, storage space becomes necessary.

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Small Business Pivoting
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Small Business Pivoting

Small businesses have put up quite a fight over these past few months. While the pandemic acted as a major disruptor for every industry, small and local businesses took an especially hard hit. The pandemic has threatened all things ‘business as usual’, making it imperative for small businesses to rethink their operational strategies from top to bottom.

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Professional Networking during COVID
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Professional Networking during COVID

It was January 2020, and the year was off to a fast start. BOMA took place, title companies were hosting luncheons and commercial forums, and from 12-1 across the valley, comps were being whispered under breath at local eateries around the Treasure Valley. My calendar was filled with the typical day to day of commercial real estate dealings--but spruced in were coffee appts, meals with other agents and future clients, and the occasional after-hours golf round or chamber-esque event. 

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Office Leasing in Idaho During Covid
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Office Leasing in Idaho During Covid

It’s a unique time to be looking for office space in Idaho. Even as many states are re-opening, or in our case, moving back to different stages—several companies aren’t yet heading back into the office. All the same, commercial real estate is an incredibly persistent industry. Despite the challenges and uncertainty, office leasing is still happening - and things are going smoothly for the most part. In many ways, there are even a few attractive incentives to enter into office leasing transactions. These are still unique days for Idaho’s CRE’s office sector, so it’s good to know what to expect in the ‘right now’ of office leasing in the Gem State. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you find the perfect location for your business.

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How to Add Value to Others: Both Business and Personal
Erin Erkins Erin Erkins

How to Add Value to Others: Both Business and Personal

I’m not sure if you are aware, but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of training platforms for sales, marketing, and other monetary reward-based job paths. Each promises a new way to retrain, adjust, improve, wow and win! Some have 12-week modules, some have $3000 price tags, and yet others require you retain you own personal coach for accountability.

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